Saturday, January 2, 2010

paddling back to shore..

sometimes i think about the little "random" moments in our lives and how they all string together, connecting or forming those puzzle pieces of our lives. shifting, redirecting, leading us to where we're supposed to be. i've read that deja vu is the soul remembering that planned out, mapped out "random" moment and it feels familiar, like you've lived that already..

they say it's the universe's way of reminding us we're on the right path, that we're okay..just keep going.

even during those bleak surreal moments that hit us, things we thought "would never happen to me. not my family" seem to always bring us clarity. living and seeing life in all of it's beautiful yet tragic complexities. realizing that we're much stronger than we ever imagined. or that tragic moment led us to something greater, to reach higher. however long it takes us to reach that realization, we get there.

i'm coming out of that fog. i can see past it now, my eyes grasping the lighthouse. paddling back to shore.

i was watching one of my favorite movies a couple of days ago, harold and maude. and there's a line that maude says..."alot of people enjoy being dead. but their not dead really. they're just backing away from life. reach out, take a chance, get hurt even. play as well as you can, GO TEAM GO! give me an L, give me an I, give me a V, give me an E! L-I-V-E, LIVE!! otherwise you've got nothing to talk about in the locker room."

oh how i love maude..

here's harold and maude <3

i guess i've been kind of backing away from life, i'm so tired of backing away. so, i'm jumping back in.

and speaking of random connecting moments, i just bought a rodarte (for target) dress in size small. it's my inspiration dress, the dress that will fit me when i shed this damn baby weight...why oh why did i rationalize eating for two? or three? it's the eclairs..

anyway, i read that the designers for rodarte based the collection on three films. one of those films was harold and maude :) i think that's so amazing and full circle for me. plus, the designers are of my generation and's just plain cool, yo.

i can't wait to fit into my dress. i can see it in my mind and it looks really cute on me :) hehe..

THE dress & ava blue

love, zara xo


  1. I love that deja vu theory. And that dress is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. YAY! i am so excited for your blog and your new take on life!!! and i am all for the inspiration clothing. i should do that :)

  3. mim!! me too, i read that years ago and never forgot it. thanks, i can't wait to wear it :)

    timmmmmy!!! yay! your my second follower, thats so awesome..thank you. when i lose the baby weight, i want to wear it to the ballet!

  4. 2010 is going to amazing for us, that's FO SHO!! Let the fun begin. xoxoox
